As a speaker, my style is conversational and interactive. My goal is to know my audience and what matters to them so I can craft a message that resonates with them and motivates them to take inspired action. Some topics include:
ELEVATE: A Framework for Expansive Leadership & Living
The Power of Inclusion
Empowering HR Professionals to Lead Inclusively
Conscious Inclusion: Tools to Mitigate Unconscious Bias
My diverse career experience has served me well as I am able to speak about a variety of topics. With experience in the Aerospace & Defense, Financial Services, Technology, and Staffing industries, I have served as a facilitator and/or panelist including topics on:
Diversity & Inclusion
Military Transition & Recruitment
Career Transition
Listen to this conversation on You’re Hired, with host Lorne Epstein and guests Torin Ellis and Kia Silver Hodge. Learn about the importance of diversity and inclusion and hear our perspectives on which strategic initiatives are most effective in creating cultures of full inclusion.